Archive | September, 2011

If we never jump we will never know

7 Sep

I am someone who is committed to the wellbeing of the children around the world. I currently work for the Boys and Girls Club of Bellevue, but all of that will be put on hold for the next three months. I am going to be traveling the 11,298 miles to Surket, Nepal to volunteer for The Foundation. My new home in Nepal is a full house with about 40 children. I will be volunteering my time in both the children’s home and the primary school. My amazing uncle Ed Doyne will be coming along on this adventure with me.

I am going to go and love on these children and show them the hero’s that they can be for themselves and their families. If I leave there with only one thing I pray it is, that the children know that they are loved and that they too have a purpose. The world will never change if we all sit around and dream about how to change it. We must get into action to produce the results we are committed to seeing.

Concert benefitting Nepal update

3 Sep

The Concert benefitting Nepal was a huge success thanks to Andrew Vait, Kevin Long, Simon Kornelis, Fritha Strand-Davern, and the Fremont Abbey. We were able to raise over $4,500 and hope to reach $5,000 after the Speed Dating for Nepal events August 30 & 31st at Amber. I wouldn’t have been able to pull off such an amazing event without all these people.  A special thank you to the many generous volunteers, you really made the night flawless.  It is because of all these people that we were able to raise so much money. Maggie Doyne is amazed at the many bighearted people here on the West Coast and is so grateful for all the donations. Thank you all for being someone who cares enough to make a difference in these children’s lives.  Anyone who would still like to contribute can contact me at the email address above, or go to the website for directions on how to contribute on line or by mailing a check directly to the foundation.  Love, Julia