19 Jan

The well is now in full action. We have more water than we could ever imagine! It’s so exciting to know that we will always have water. No more worrying if the hot water tank is full or not. However, a new problem has been created…… the garden is a mess!! What use to be a nice grass yard with beautiful flowers bordering the outside edges, is now a mud bathing center. Hopefully, this will not be the case for long. Today, we brought in a ton of soil from the school and the older boys helped to spread it out. Now with some good soil we should be able to start planting again. Planting takes time and it will be a long process, but I know someday Maggie will have her garden back!





Numraj is going through a new stage called “No”. He is starting to be his own person! It will be a long process and we are hoping it is over soon!


The garden before the well drilling. Not the best picture, but you get the idea.

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